Modeling the evolutionary development of C4 photosynthesis

The C4 cycle supercharges photosynthesis and evolved independently more than 62 times. Using constraint-based modeling, researchers…

Most complete commercial sugarcane genome sequence assembled

An international group of researchers led by Brazilian scientists has assembled the most complete genome sequence…

The impact of molecular rotation on a peculiar isotope effect on water hydrogen bonds

The quantum nature of hydrogen bonds in water manifests itself in peculiar physicochemical isotope effects: While…

Analyzing seismic patterns to forecast the magnitude of the largest earthquake aftershocks

Earthquakes can have devastating impacts on communities all around the world. They strike without warning, often…

How micro-doses of nature help our health and climate

Cities around the world are facing major challenges. Industrialised nations are experiencing epidemics of chronic diseases…

One in two homeless people may have experienced a head injury in their lifetime

People who are homeless experience a disproportionately high lifetime prevalence of traumatic brain injury (TBI), according…

Fake news feels less immoral to share when we've seen it before

People who repeatedly encounter a fake news item may feel less and less unethical about sharing…

Micro implants could restore standing and walking

Researchers are focused on restoring lower-body function after severe spinal injuries using a tiny spinal implant.…

Bending an organic semiconductor can boost electrical flow

Slightly bending semiconductors made of organic materials can roughly double the speed of electricity flowing through…

Atmospheric Scientist Sergey Korkin Writes Algorithms to Simulate Instruments Findings

Atmospheric Scientist Sergey Korkin writes algorithms that help scientists understand air quality. Click here…