Mystery of how early animals survived ice age

How did life survive the most severe ice age? A team has found the first direct…

Helping machines perceive some laws of physics

Researchers have designed a model that demonstrates an understanding of some basic ‘intuitive physics’ about how…

Integrated approach for managing aquatic invasive species in california

Though small and somewhat nondescript, quagga and zebra mussels pose a huge threat to local rivers,…

Cats' faces hard to read, except for 'cat whisperers'

Women and those with veterinary experience were better at recognizing cats’ expressions — even those who…

New treatment for brain tumors uses electrospun fiber

Researchers have developed a new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive form of brain cancer. …

Face mask can help combat mild cases of sleep condition

A night time face mask can improve energy levels and vitality in people who suffer from…

Harbor porpoise calves exposed to neurotoxic PCBs in mothers' milk

Harbour porpoise calves around the UK are carrying a more neurotoxic cocktail of PCBs than their…

NASA Finds India’s Vikram Moon Lander Crash Site, With Amateur’s Help

Since India lost contact with the spacecraft in September, the precise location of its crash has…

ISS SSTV Dec 4, 5 and 6

ISS SSTV MAI-75 image 9/12 received by Chertsey Radio Club on Baofeng handheld Russian cosmonauts are…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 2 December 2019

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 2 December 2019 Click here for…