Ice in Motion: Satellites Capture Decades of Change

New time-lapse videos of Earth’s glaciers and ice sheets as seenfrom space, some spanning nearly 50…

SAQ, Sweden’s Alexanderson Alternator, Announces Scheduled Christmas Eve Transmission

SAQ, the call sign of the 1920s vintage Alexanderson transmitter in Grimeton, Sweden, is set to…

Breakthrough in 'distributed deep learning'

Computer scientists, using a divide-and-conquer approach that leverages the power of compressed sensing, have shown they…

Killer whale grandmothers boost survival of calves

The study found that grandmothers who were no longer able to reproduce had the biggest beneficial…

New England fishermen losing jobs due to climate fluctuations

For decades the biggest threat to the industry has been overfishing, but it is no longer…

Researcher designs headphones that warn pedestrians of dangers

To counter a growing public safety concern, researchers are designing an intelligent headphone system that warns…

2020 Dayton Hamvention Theme will be “Amateur Radio, The Future”

The theme for the 2020 Dayton Hamvention® will be “Amateur Radio, The Future.” Hamvention General Chair…

Melissa Pore, KM4CZN, is 2020 Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award Recipient

Melissa Pore, KM4CZN, of Vienna, Virginia, is the 2020 recipient of the Carole Perry Educator of…

Last remaining glaciers in the Pacific will soon melt away

The last remaining tropical glaciers between the Himalayas and the Andes will disappear in the next…

Lighting up cardiovascular problems using nanoparticles

Heart disease and stroke are the world’s two most deadly diseases, causing over 15 million deaths…