A way to repair tooth enamel

A team of researchers from Zhejiang University and Xiamen University has found a way to repair…

Parents can help kids catch up in reading with a 10-minute daily routine

Because I conduct research about reading, parents often ask me the same question: “What can I…

Breast cancer can form 'sleeper cells' after drug treatment

Breast cancer medicines may force some cancer cells into ‘sleeper mode,’ allowing them to potentially come…

Non-physician health workers lead new approach to lowering risk of world's number one cause of death

A substantial reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, the world’s leading cause of death, can…

How bacteria behind hospital infections block out antibiotics

Drug-resistant bacteria responsible for deadly hospital-acquired infections shut out antibiotics by closing tiny doors in their…

Forest loss in Brazil contributing to rising temperatures

A global team of scientists including researchers from The University of Western Australia and the United…

A 'rheostat' for cancer signals

WNT signaling pathways play important roles in cell growth, development and cancer. The classical or “canonical”…

Study turns attention to rural homelessness

Homeless individuals in rural areas are offered few options when it comes to assistance in their…

New coating process provides effective protection for brake discs

More than many other auto parts, brake discs are subject to repeated mechanical loads. As a…

On an average day, only 1% of Australian news stories quoted a young person

On one unremarkable day in April this year, just over a third of news stories were…