Burgundy wine grapes tell climate story, show warming accelerated in past 30 years

A newly published series of dates of grape harvest covering the past 664 years is the…

Synthesis of UV absorbers from cashew nut shell liquid

Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany, in collaboration with colleagues from the University…

Burgundy wine grapes tell climate story, show warming accelerated in past 30 years

A new series of dates of grape harvest covering the past 664 years is the latest…

Most-comprehensive analysis of fentanyl crisis urges innovative action

The sudden appearance of the drug fentanyl in the US has driven up overdose deaths dramatically,…

Food-waste study reveals trends behind discarded items

Americans throw out a lot more food than they expect they will, food waste that is…

People's initial immune response to dengue fever analyzed

Researchers have come one step closer to understanding how our immune system responds to acute dengue…

Inflammation triggers silent mutation to cause deadly lung disease

Researchers have found that inflammation in the lungs of rats, triggered by something as simple as…

Extreme mangrove corals found on the Great Barrier Reef

The first documented discovery of ‘extreme corals’ in mangrove lagoons around Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is…

Right-wing WhatsApp users in Brazil are more effective at spreading disinformation

After Brazil’s 2018 presidential election, international political pundits and journalists wondered if social media platform WhatsApp…

NASA's ECOSTRESS detects Amazon fires from space

NASA’s Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) captured imagery of fires in the…