Grab and throw: South Korea makes flower vase fire extinguisher

In a panic after a fire has broken out and can’t remember where the fire extinguisher…

Hydrogen trains: Are these the eco-friendly trains of the future?

With zero emissions and water as a by-product, Tom Burridge was on board one of the…

UK climate emergency: What does it mean for how we live?

How our life and work could be affected as Wales aims to reach zero carbon emissions…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 19 June 2019

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 19 June 2019 Click here for…

Dangerous brain parasite 'orders in' for dinner

Researchers have discovered how toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled parasite, maintains a steady supply of nutrients while…

Sickle cell drug showing promise in clinical trial

An investigational drug for the treatment of sickle cell disease is showing early promise in clinical…

Importance of climate on spruce beetle flight

If the climate continues warming as predicted, spruce beetle outbreaks in the Rocky Mountains could become…

Costs, delays mount for Boeing's NASA launch system, audit finds

NASA’s flagship space launch system being built by Boeing is taking years longer than expected with…

States, Counties, Municipalities Recognize Amateur Radio’s Contributions in Advance of Field Day

Each year as ARRL Field Day approaches, state and local governments traditionally take advantage of the…

ARRL ARDF Coordinator to Retire, New Coordinator Named

ARRL Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) Coordinator Joe Moell, K0OV, is stepping down after more than…