Game of drones: Airports rally firms to battle threat from above

A quadcopter drone appears on the radar screen and makes a beeline for the control tower…

‘Concept to Reality’: NASA Marks Milestones in Development of Electric X-57

NASA’s X-57 project has marked two critical milestones, taking two major steps toward demonstrating the benefits…

A sound idea: A step towards quantum computing

A team at the University of Tsukuba studied a novel process for creating coherent lattice waves…

Pitt researchers' report pushes for regional green infrastructure database

Stakeholders invested in the region’s waterways, stormwater management and green infrastructure have a new roadmap to…

New Report Says That Space-Based Infrared Telescopes Should Be Used to Detect Near-Earth Asteroids

New Report Says That Space-Based Infrared Telescopes Should Be Used to Detect Near-Earth Asteroids …

Astronomers make first detection of polarised radio waves in Gamma Ray Burst jets

Good fortune and cutting-edge scientific equipment have allowed scientists to observe a Gamma Ray Burst jet…

Antarctic marine life recovery following the dinosaurs' extinction

A new study shows how marine life around Antarctica returned after the extinction event that wiped…

Curbing the flammability of epoxy resin

In a paper to be published in a forthcoming issue of Nano, a team of researchers…

Secure quantum communications in the microwave range for the first time

Mikel Sanz, of the Physical Chemistry Department of UPV/EHU, leads the theoretical group for an experiment…

Efficiently producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose

Researchers have presented a new strategy for efficiently producing fatty acids and biofuels that can transform…