Building next gen smart materials with the power of sound

Researchers have used sound waves to precisely manipulate atoms and molecules, accelerating the sustainable production of…

Widespread permafrost degradation seen in high Arctic terrain

Rapid changes in terrain are taking place in Canada’s high Arctic polar deserts due to increases…

Belief in the 'prosperity gospel' does not turn people into successful entrepreneurs

Belief in the “Prosperity Gospel”—that God financially blesses faithful followers—does not turn individuals into successful entrepreneurs.…

Table scraps can be used to reduce reliance on fossil fuels

Wasted food can be affordably turned into a clean substitute for fossil fuels. Click…

New report: Nearly 19,000 asylum seekers await US entry in Mexican border cities

The number of asylum seekers on wait lists in Mexican border cities or those waiting to…

Robots activated by water may be the next frontier

New research from the laboratory of Ozgur Sahin, associate professor of biological sciences and physics at…

Letter makes plea to rich over climate

Scientists’ letter urges wealthy to help fight “ecological catastrophe”. Click here for original story,…

School choice system is unfair to households in areas given fewer choices

The first ever study to assess secondary school choices made across all households in England has…

Panasonic joins firms stepping away from Huawei after US ban

Japan’s Panasonic on Thursday said it would stop supplying some components to Huawei, joining a growing…

Illegal hunting threatens songbird prized as delicacy: study

Every year, nearly five million breeding pairs of ortolan buntings—a type of tiny songbird classified as…