Incidence rates of aggressive subtypes of uterine cancer rising, study shows

New findings show that U.S. incidence rates for aggressive subtypes of uterine cancer rose rapidly among…

Bipolar disorder may be linked to Parkinson's disease

People who have bipolar disorder may be more likely to later develop Parkinson’s disease than people…

Hypertension found in children exposed to flower pesticides

Researchers have found higher blood pressure and pesticide exposures in children associated with a heightened pesticide…

Old mold: Fossil of world's earliest fungus unearthed in Canada

Microfossils of a globular spore connected to a T-shaped filament excavated in an Arctic region of…

NASA Wants To Send Your Name To Mars In 2020

NASA wants you to go to Mars…at least, they want your name to go. As part…

Botswana lifts ban on elephant hunting

Botswana on Wednesday lifted its ban on elephant hunting, saying the population had increased and farmers’…

Migration to the north: climate change puts plankton on the move

Climate change that has warmed the world’s oceans has prompted a “worrying” northward migration among some…

One billion year old fungi found is Earth's oldest

Scientists have unearthed fossilised fungi dating back up to one billion years, in a discovery that…

Will FAA's plan for 737 MAX fly outside US?

Getting Boeing’s top-selling 737 MAX back in the skies faces a critical test this week as…

Construction workers find dinosaur fossils in Denver suburb

Construction workers have unearthed fossils in a Denver suburb that experts say could be from a…