Shaw Prize in Astronomy Awarded to Ed Stone

The prestigious prize has been given to Caltech’s Ed Stone, former director of JPL…

NASA Astrobiology Researchers Identify Features That Could Be Used to Detect Life-Friendly Climates on Other Worlds

Scientists may have found a way to tell if alien worlds have a climate that is…

Soft, social robot brings coziness to homes, and classrooms

A new social robot that can be customized with handcrafted material, such as wood and wool,…

Strange Martian mineral deposit likely sourced from volcanic explosions

In a finding that is soon to be ground-truthed by NASA’s next Mars rover, researchers show…

Detecting bacteria in space

A new genomic approach provides a glimpse into the diverse bacterial ecosystem on the International Space…

Unlike men, women's cognitive performance may improve at higher room temperature

Women’s performance on math and verbal tests is best at higher temperatures, while men perform best…

Eating healthily at work matters

A new study has demonstrated that employees at a large urban hospital who purchased the least…

Examining ethical issues surrounding wearable brain devices marketed to consumers

Wearable brain devices are now being marketed directly to consumers and often claim to confer benefits…

Parasites dampen beetle's fight or flight response

Beetles infected with parasitic worms put up less of a fight against simulated attacks from predators…

Study finds warmer temperatures improve women's performance

Turning up the thermostat at the office may result in higher productivity for women, a new…