Need for rigorous procedures within electrochemical production of ammonia

Ammonia (NH3) is one of the most widely produced chemicals, with a global output of 170…

TACC Ranch technology upgrade improves valuable data storage

There’s a joke by comedian Steven Wright that goes, “You can’t have everything. Where would you…

Subtropical Storm Andrea gone girl

Subtropical Storm Andrea was gone before the storm could even reach Tropical Storm status. The last…

Eighteen Earth-sized exoplanets discovered

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), the Georg August University of…

Council of Europe explores AI to reshape prisons

From monitoring inmates on suicide watch to detecting cryptic messages in phone calls, artificial intelligence is…

Massive Martian ice discovery opens a window into red planet's history

Newly discovered layers of ice buried a mile beneath Mars’ north pole are the remnants of…

Good vibrations: Using piezoelectricity to ensure hydrogen sensor sensitivity

Researchers have developed a new method that uses piezoelectric resonance to improve the manufacture of highly…

The neural mechanisms that inhibit slow muscle activity during fast swimming in fish

Using zebrafish larvae, biologists have discovered neural mechanisms that suppress slow muscle activity in fish swimming…

Charging into the future: novel rock salt for use in rechargeable magnesium batteries

By synthesizing novel material for electrode that facilitates reversing of the chemistry of ions, a group…

Three exocomets discovered around the star Beta Pictoris

Three extrasolar comets have been discovered around the star Beta Pictoris, 63 light years away. Analysis…