Mathematicians revive abandoned approach to the Riemann Hypothesis

Many ways to approach the Riemann Hypothesis have been proposed during the past 150 years, but…

US delay to Huawei ban gives tech sector time to adjust

The United States is delaying some restrictions on U.S. technology sales to Chinese tech powerhouse Huawei…

New study finds distinct microbes living next to corals

Symbiotic algae living inside corals provide those animals with their vibrant color, as well as many…

Life in evolution's fast lane

Most living things have a suite of genes dedicated to repairing their DNA, limiting the rate…

Statistical model could predict future disease outbreaks

Several University of Georgia researchers teamed up to create a statistical method that may allow public…

Solving a scientific mystery and finding a solution for industry

In solving a scientific mystery, researchers from the University of Houston and the nation’s national laboratories…

Want to eliminate workplace bias? Watch your rating system, study says

What’s the difference between a 10-point and a six-point performance rating scale, besides four points? …

First report of powdery mildew on phasey bean in Florida could spell trouble for papaya

Phasey bean, also known as wild bush bean, is an invasive species native to the tropical…

Studies find no yield benefit to higher plant populations

As seed prices rise, growers must be increasingly mindful of the density and configuration of cotton…

FAQs: NASA’s Drone Traffic Management Research in Reno and Corpus Christi

NASA is researching what it will take to build a nationwide system managing low-altitude drone traffic…