Studies find no yield benefit to higher plant populations

As seed prices rise, growers must be increasingly mindful of the density and configuration of cotton…

FAQs: NASA’s Drone Traffic Management Research in Reno and Corpus Christi

NASA is researching what it will take to build a nationwide system managing low-altitude drone traffic…

Berkeley lab project to pinpoint methane 'super emitters'

Methane, a potent greenhouse gas that traps about 30 times more heat than carbon dioxide, is…

Testifying while black: A linguistic analysis of disparities in court transcription

A new study has found that court reporters transcribe speakers of African American English significantly below…

NASA Invites Public to Submit Names to Fly Aboard Next Mars Rover

Although it will be years before the first humans set foot on Mars, NASA is giving…

Driverless cars: Cambridge University model cars 'talk' to avoid jams

Researchers say it shows driverless cars working together could improve traffic flow by at least 35%. …

Employees are pressuring Amazon to become a leader on climate. Here's how that could work

Amazon is preparing to do something it’s never done before: disclose its companywide greenhouse gas emissions. …

Insulin under the influence of light

By understanding how the brain links the effects of insulin to light, researchers are deciphering how…

Discrimination against older people needs attention

Ever cracked a joke about old people? It might seem funny, but in a world where…

How molecular escorts help prevent cancer

The anti-tumor protein p53 can decide on the life or death of a cell: If it…