Promoting smarter ways to mine within fragile forests

Many of the planet’s most valuable mineral resources are to be found within and beneath forested…

The grandmother effect suggests that proximity is a factor in family size

The human species is one of the very few, along with orcas and pilot whales, where…

Huge growth in use of quartz for tools shows sophistication of ancient communities

A growth in the use of crystal quartz to make tools thousands of years ago shows…

Researchers suggest coal ash and tailings dam disasters could be prevented

A trio of researchers from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, the University of…

Carry-over credits and carbon offsets are hot topics this election – but what do they actually mean?

In this election, often dubbed the “climate election”, voters are refusing to settle for weak policies…

Multiple sclerosis: Discovery of a mechanism responsible for chronic inflammation

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. The defense system that usually protects patients from external…

Cognitive enhancers to boost abilities at work considered acceptable by the public

The general public largely views the use of cognitive enhancers such as Adderall as an acceptable…

New professor brings precision data to the dairy barn

The same technology that alerts a self-driving car that there’s a pedestrian in the crosswalk could…

Endangered kakapo parrot gets pioneering brain surgery

The procedure is a world-first amid efforts to save the species, native to New Zealand. …

In crisis-hit Argentina, cancer researcher turns to game show for funds

Amid a swirling economic crisis and protests over budget cuts for research in Argentina, one scientist…