New research shows community forest management reduces both deforestation and poverty

Giving local communities in Nepal the opportunity to manage their forests has simultaneously reduced deforestation and…

New method developed to detect and trace homemade bombs

Researchers have developed a new way of detecting homemade explosives which will help forensic scientists trace…

Unpacking the links: Chronic stress, fertility and the 'hunger hormone'

A new study suggests high levels of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite and is also…

'Fire streaks' ever more real in the collisions of atomic nuclei and protons

Collisions of lead nuclei take place under extreme physical conditions. Their course can be described using…

Wild red deer contribute to the preservation of open landscapes

Similar to farm animals such as cattle or sheep, wild red deer grazing in open landscapes…

Study questions current regulations on light pollution and calls for paradigm shift

An international study involving researchers from the University of Granada (UGR), Spain, and the University of…

Exploring the solar system

We are learning ever more about the sun and its planets. Mark McCaughrean of the European…

Odyssey's three views of Martian moon Phobos

For the first time, NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter has caught the Martian moon Phobos during a…

Rare-Earth metals in the atmosphere of a glowing-hot exoplanet

KELT-9 b is the hottest exoplanet known to date. In the summer of 2018, a joint…

New water cycle on Mars discovered

Approximately every two Earth years, when it is summer on the southern hemisphere of Mars, a…