Unique genetic adaptation lets deep-sea fish see color in the darkness

While people and other vertebrates are color blind in dim light, some deep-sea fish may possess…

Gravitational waves leave a detectable mark, physicists say

New research shows that gravitational waves leave behind plenty of ‘memories’ that could help detect them…

Precise temperature measurements with invisible light

Researchers have invented a portable, remarkably stable thermometer capable of measuring temperatures to a precision of…

Stem cell scientists clear another hurdle in creating transplant arteries

Recent work highlights a better way to grow smooth muscle cells, one of the two cellular…

Officials seek to open major spillway on Mississippi River

Army Corps of Engineers officials in Louisiana aim to open a historic flood control structure above…

Amazon's Bezos unveils lunar lander project 'Blue Moon'

Jeff Bezos, who heads both Amazon and space company Blue Origin, unveiled on Thursday a lunar…

Video games a hobby for majority of Americans, study says

Video games are enormously popular in the United States, with 164 million peopleā€”or 65 percent of…

Uber's rocky road to global powerhouse

Uber, set to make its stock market debut in one of the largest technology share offerings,…

Gravitational waves leave a detectable mark, physicists say

Gravitational waves, first detected in 2016, offer a new window on the universe, with the potential…

Assessing battery performance: Compared to what?

Scientists must often ask themselves, compared to what? How do the results we generate in the…