A link between mitochondrial damage and osteoporosis

In healthy people, a tightly controlled process balances out the activity of osteoblasts, which build bone,…

Why This Martian Full Moon Looks Like Candy

New images of Phobos taken by NASA’s Odyssey spacecraft could help explain what the…

Jeff Bezos’ Shot at the Moon? Blue Origin to Announce Vision for Space

The Amazon founder’s private rocket company has hinted that it may have plans for the moon’s…

Peering into the past, scientists discover bacteria transformed a viral threat to survive

A study reports the first known evidence of bacteria stealing genetic material from their own worst…

A deep-dive into the impact of arthritis drugs on gene expression

A new computational framework has revealed key differences between four rheumatoid arthritis medications and their impact…

How the dengue virus replicates in infected cells

The nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) of the dengue virus interacts with another viral protein called NS4A-2K-4B…

New type of highly sensitive vision discovered in deep-sea fish

The deep sea is home to fish species that can detect various wavelengths of light in…

Back to the sources of neural diversity

By deciphering the genetic programs of neurons of the cerebral cortex, researchers have unraveled the mechanisms…

How sea level rise affects birds in coastal forests

When saltwater inundates coastal forests as sea levels rise, it kills salt-sensitive trees, leaving “ghost forests”…

Egg yolk precursor protein regulates mosquitoes' attraction to humans

Feeding mosquitoes sugar makes them less attracted to humans, a response that is regulated by the…