New data about two distant asteroids give a clue to the possible ‘Planet Nine’

The dynamical properties of these asteroids, observed spectroscopiccally for the first time using the Gran Telescopio…

Researchers document second case of ‘Down syndrome’ in chimps

Japanese researchers have confirmed the second case known to science of a chimpanzee born with trisomy…

Tune your radio: Galaxies sing when forming stars

A team led from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has found the most precise…

Scientists remove reliance on seasonality in new broccoli line, potentially doubling yield

Scientists at the John Innes Centre are developing a new line of fast-growing sprouting broccoli that…

New approach to measure fluid drag on the body during swimming

A key factor to improve swimming performance is reducing resistance that water exerts on the moving…

DOOMED is new online learning approach to robotics modeling

Robotics researchers have developed a novel adaptive control approach based on online learning that allows for…

Mole study shows anyone can be backyard scientist

Scientific findings are awaiting discovery in your backyard. The requirement? A keen sense of observation and…

New nano approach could cut dose of leading HIV treatment in half

Successful results of a University of Liverpool-led trial that utilised nanotechnology to improve drug therapies for…

Smart buildings: energy efficiency at what price?

Automating heating and other environmental controls can bring huge savings to commercial buildings. To what extent…

Cars and chlamydia killing Queensland koalas

Cars and chlamydia were the top causes of a dramatic rise in south-east Queensland koala deaths…