Space debris: assessing the risk

Assessing the risk that space debris pose to operational spacecraft and satellites is a challenge and…

Large Space Simulator

A new ‘specimen access device’ (SPAD) to allow safe and fast access to spacecraft being tested…


The crew aboard the International Space Station is turning its attention to spacewalks, with repair and…

Giant Iceberg

Envisat radar imagery confirms that the B-15A iceberg ­ the world’s largest floating object ­ is…

Bombay India

The southern part of Mumbai (formerly Bombay) in India as seen from ESA’s Proba microsatellite. The…

Hourglass Shaped Craters

This image, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft,…

Satellite Radar sees Costal Pollution

A NASA-funded study of marine pollution in Southern California concluded space-based synthetic aperture radar can be…

Hams aboard the ISS

Expedition 11 will put two hams aboard the ISS: The licensing in February of US Astronaut…


The old saying, “birds of a feather, flock together,” can be applied to two small uninhabited…


Canada will transform the future of space-based data delivery and lead scientific research about space weather…