Rocket scientist encourages young women to shoot for the stars

The death of her childhood dream to be an astronaut left Natalie Panek feeling adrift very…

Fortney: 'Bio-inspired' U of C students take their big ideas to NASA

When Anthony Demong was just six years old, his uncle gifted him what he calls “a…

After eight months of isolation, a Mars research crew emerges from their dome

The crew of six promptly chowed down on fresh fruit and vegetables after eating mostly freeze-dried…

NASA just released hundreds of rare flight test videos. We found the best ones

We scoured the treasure trove of offerings and assembled a highlight reel Click here for original…

Bye Bye, Bao Bao: Panda leaves Washington for China

One of Washington's most popular residents left town on Tuesday: Bao Bao, the National Zoo's uber-popular…

South Dakota bill leaves evolution skepticism up to teachers

South Dakota legislators are weighing whether to let teachers decide how much skepticism to work into…

New metamaterial is proved to be the world’s first to achieve the performance predicted by theoretical bounds

In 2015 UC Santa Barbara mechanical engineer and materials scientist Jonathan Berger developed an idea that…

Genetic data show mainly men migrated from the Pontic steppe to Europe 5,000 years ago

A new study, looking at the sex-specifically inherited X chromosome of prehistoric human remains, shows that…

Winners, losers among fish when landscape undergoes change

As humans build roads, construct buildings and develop land for agriculture, freshwater ecosystems respond ? but…

Fermi finds possible dark matter ties in Andromeda galaxy

NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has found a signal at the center of the neighboring Andromeda…