Researchers develop a simple processing technique that could cut the cost of organic photovoltaics

With a new technique for manufacturing single-layer organic polymer solar cells, scientists at UC Santa Barbara…

Syrian crisis altered region’s land and water resources, study finds

The Syrian civil war and subsequent refugee migration caused sudden changes in the area's land use…

Prehistoric plant remains highlight diverse origins of cereal domestication

A study from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and the University of Copenhagen shows…

Scientists shed light on the climate-changing desert dust fertilizing our oceans

The way in which man-made acids in the atmosphere interact with the dust that nourishes our…

Plant ‘chemical factory’ could produce variety of commercial products

A 'chemical factory' on the surface of plant leaves could help produce more commercially useful products,…

Secrets of the paleo diet: Discovery reveals plant-based menu of prehistoric man

A tiny grape pip (scale 1mm), left on the ground some 780,000 years ago, is one…

Designer switches of cell fate could streamline stem cell biology

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a novel strategy to reprogram cells from one…

Geoscientists size-up early dinosaurs, find surprising variation

Look out your window, and you may see people of all ages and sizes roaming the…

How plants manage excess solar energy

Life on earth largely depends on the conversion of light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis…

Amazon testing cashier-free retail store

Amazon on Monday unveiled a new kind of retail store, with no cashiers.