Film and cultures

Image: Samples of the Biofilms experiment are headed to the International Space Station on the SpaceX…

Tracking the nitric oxide signaling pathway

Both nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) act as gaseous signaling molecules with similar physiological…

Photosynthesis model simulates 10–20 percent yield increase

A team from the University of Illinois has developed a model that treats photosynthesis as a…

Ranking products of captured carbon dioxide by climate benefit

Pulling heat-trapping carbon dioxide out of the air and turning it into useful products, a concept…

Drought and climate change shift tree disease in Sierra Nevada

Even pathogens have their limits. When it gets too hot or too dry, some pathogens—like many…

Installation demonstrates how terawatt lasers can control and safely divert lightning

Almost 270 years since Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod, lightning protection is still based on…

Spotted lanternfly collective flights in late summer not dangerous to public

When leaving a Sunday morning church service in the village of Huffs Church, Berks County, in…

Watch: 14 hours of Enceladus geyser action

What a parting gift the Cassini mission gave us. Click here for original story,…

Janus graphene opens doors to sustainable sodium-ion batteries

Sodium is one of the most abundant and affordable metals in the world. Now researchers present…

Portable MRI provides life-saving information to doctors treating strokes

When patients exhibit stroke symptoms, doctors must quickly make a life or death determination: Are their…