Mechanics of the infinitely small: NanoGear, towards a molecular gear

Gears and mechanical transmissions are at home in the Emilia-Romagna region, the Motor Valley of northern…

Fast, affordable solution proposed for transparent displays and semiconductors

The Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) under the Ministry of Science and ICT developed…

The perfect blend: Optimizing gas mixtures for hydrogen storage in clathrate hydrates

In our ongoing quest to transform into a more eco-friendly society, hydrogen (H2) is heralded as…

NASA Enters Space Act Agreement with LONGBOW to Develop Drone Flight Research Corridors

NASA Enters Space Act Agreement with LONGBOW to Develop Drone Flight Research Corridors Click…

Scientists shed light on the mechanism of photoactivation of the orange carotenoid protein

Exposure to light is compulsory for photosynthetic organisms for the conversion of inorganic compounds into organic…

Diamonds engage both optical microscopy and MRI for better imaging

When doctors or scientists want to peer into living tissue, there’s always a trade-off between how…

Scientists discover fundamental mechanism that fine-tunes gene expression and is disrupted in cancer

A team of scientists from The Wistar Institute in Philadelphia and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Center…

Educational intervention enhances student learning

In a study of low-income, urban youth in the U.S., researchers at Columbia University Mailman School…

In slow motion against antibiotic resistance

There are currently only a few synthetic agents that bind to and block the widespread membrane…

Worsening algae bloom on Florida's Lake Okeechobee threatens coasts again

The scene at Pahokee marina on Lake Okeechobee last week was a warning sign: A thick…