New Era Begins as Drone Traffic Management Project Wraps Up

One NASA project helped invent a whole new type of air traffic management. Here’s a brief…

An ally for alloys: AI helps design high-performance steels

Machine learning techniques have contributed to progress in science and technology fields ranging from health care…

Flash mob in the nucleus: Study clarifies why some proteins 'flock together'

Almost all cells in our body contain a nucleus: a somewhat spherical structure that is separated…

Synthetic tree enhances solar steam generation for harvesting drinking water

About 2.2 billion people globally lack reliable access to clean drinking water, according to the United…

Did the ancient Maya have parks?

The ancient Maya city of Tikal was a bustling metropolis and home to tens of thousands…

Nature bites back: Animals push human boundaries

The pandemic and climate change is testing as never before the delicate balance of human co-habitation…

Venus Lacks Plate Tectonics. But It Has Something Much More Quirky.

Scientists say giant slices of rock may move across the surface of Earth’s closest neighbor like…

Flash mob in the nucleus

The nucleus is much more than a storage compartment for chromosomes: It also contains the complex…

Dubai palm island Alpha

Dubai palm island Alpha Click here for original story, Dubai palm island Alpha …

Self-reported declines in cognition may be linked to changes in brain connectivity

A research team recently published the results of a three-year study of cognitive changes in older…