New therapeutic target for C. difficile infection

A new study paves the way for the development of next generation therapeutics for the prevention…

Researchers review data on reputed toxins thought to cause neurodegeneration

Biologists and neuroscientists have published an update on the reputed environmental toxins that have been suspected…

Earlier flood forecasting could help avoid disaster in Japan

Researchers have revealed that a newly developed forecasting system can accurately predict flood locations 32 hours…

Dragonflies: Species losses and gains in Germany

Over the past 35 years, there have been large shifts in the distributions of many dragonfly…

How childhood exercise could maintain and promote cognitive function in later life

People who are physically active during childhood have higher cognitive functions in later life. Participants who…

Footprints discovered from the last dinosaurs to walk on UK soil

Footprints from at least six different species of dinosaur — thought to be the very last…

Evolution: Two routes to the same destination

Fruit flies have found at least two solutions to the problem of sorting their sex chromosomes:…

The Earth has a pulse — a 27.5-million-year cycle of geological activity

Geologic activity on Earth appears to follow a 27.5-million-year cycle, giving the planet a ‘pulse,’ according…

Researchers find losartan is not effective in reducing hospitalization from mild COVID-19

In a new study, researchers determined that the common blood pressure medication, losartan, is not effective…

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely

It could be a milestone on the path to detecting life on other planets: Scientists detect…