United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches SBIRS GEO Flight 5 Mission in Support of National Security

United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches SBIRS GEO Flight 5 Mission in Support of National Security …

Babin Opening Statement at Subcommittee Hearing on NASA Earth Science and Climate Data

Babin Opening Statement at Subcommittee Hearing on NASA Earth Science and Climate Data Click…

Ancient Australian Aboriginal memory tool superior to 'memory palace' learning

Australian scientists have compared an ancient Greek technique of memorizing data to an even older technique…

DNA sequencing pioneers win 1mn euro tech 'Nobel' prize

Two British chemists who developed a super-fast DNA sequencing technique that paved the way for revolutionary…

Ancient horse DNA reveals gene flow between Eurasian and North American horses

A new study of ancient DNA from horse fossils found in North America and Eurasia shows…

Ancient horse DNA reveals gene flow between Eurasian and North American horses

A new study of ancient DNA from horse fossils found in North America and Eurasia shows…

Scientists to take a new step in microelectronics' development

Researchers at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) developed a new approach to determine…

Turn problems into opportunities: Photorespiration for improved plant metabolism

In today’s plants, photorespiration dissipates some of the energy produced by photosynthesis and releases CO2. It…

White roofs and more green areas would mitigate the effects of heat waves in cities

The frequency and intensity of heat waves in cities is increasing due to climate change, with…

Monitoring coastal changes in Greece

Hundreds of satellite images spanning over 25 years have been compiled to show the evolution of…