Hanging by a thread: Imaging and probing chains of single atoms

Low-dimensional materials, such as 1D monoatomic chains, exhibit exotic properties that could find interesting applications. However,…

Fighting the nature crisis from space: Measuring biodiversity with satellites

As humans, we’re currently facing two big environmental crises: climate change and biodiversity loss. The first…

Physicists predict neutron stars may be bigger than previously imagined

When a massive star dies, first there is a supernova explosion. Then, what’s left over becomes…

Rights group launches tool to stem cybercrime in Africa

Victims of cyberbullying and related crimes can now get redress thanks to a new online platform…

The most plastic-polluted riverbed in the UK

Part of the River Tame in Greater Manchester is the most plastic-polluted riverbed in the UK,…

How climate change is erasing the world's oldest rock art

In caves on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, ancient peoples marked the walls with red and…

Gaia might even be able to detect the gravitational wave background of the universe

The Gaia spacecraft is an impressive feat of engineering. Its primary mission is to map the…

Extrasolar Object Interceptor could chase down interstellar objects, return samples

What if we had the ability to chase down interstellar objects passing through our solar system,…

New research examines experience of racialized communities during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all Canadians, but new research shows how…

Observations show marine clouds amplify warming

A new analysis of satellite cloud observations finds that global warming causes low-level clouds over the…