Analysis shows the toll of the pandemic on high-risk workers

California is getting a closer look at exactly how workers in high-risk industries across the state…

Modular blue light-sensitive photoswitch developed for optogenetic engineering

Recently, Prof. WANG Junfeng from the High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the Hefei Institutes of Physical…

Global silicate weathering carbon sink has huge potential

The silicate carbon weathering sink (SCS) is the net carbon sink that affects the global carbon…

Genome of wild legume provides insights into tolerance to environmental stress

Medicago ruthenica, a wild and perennial legume forage widely distributed in semi-arid grasslands, is distinguished by…

China is about to land its Zhurong rover on the surface of Mars

China’s first Mars rover, known as Zhurong, is expected to land on the planet’s surface on…

Getting ready to rocket

Image: The pieces are stacking up for the launch of Artemis 1 mission around the Moon…

Cosmic silver lining

This Picture of the Week showcases the emission nebula NGC 2313. The bright star V565 —…

Earth from Space: Qeshm Island

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Qeshm Island – the largest island in Iran. …

Qeshm Island, Iran

A Copernicus Sentinel-2 image over Qeshm Island – the largest island in Iran. Click…

Scientists urge restoration of federal gray wolf protections

A group of scientists urged the Biden administration Thursday to restore legal protections for gray wolves,…