Enzyme system for the hydrogen industry

An enzyme could make a dream come true for the energy industry: It can efficiently produce…

CME impacts Earth, sparking G3 – Strong geomagnetic storm

A coronal mass ejection (CME) produced by a filament eruption around 10:00 UTC on May 9,…

Bigfoot Radio Net Spring Expedition 2021 Underway

Click here for original story, Bigfoot Radio Net Spring Expedition 2021 Underway Source: ARRL

Engineered bacteria show promise for sustainable biofuel industry, researchers say

Acetone, a volatile solvent used for everything from removing nail polish and cleaning textiles to manufacturing…

The carbon footprint of Airbnb is likely bigger than you think

In its 13 years of existence, Airbnb has grown from a minnow to a whale in…

High-end tourism in Indonesia fails to empower local people during pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the travel and tourism industry globally. Indonesia is no…

Astronomers detect substellar companion of HD 47127

Using the Harlan J. Smith Telescope, astronomers have discovered that the star HD 47127 has a…

Glenn Researchers Study New, Futuristic Concept to Explore Titan

Glenn researchers are studying a futuristic concept to explore Titan. Click here for original…

Seaspiracy: How to make fishing more sustainable by tackling bycatch

Capturing audiences worldwide with its no-holds-barred indictment of the fishing industry, Netflix’s Seaspiracy is the latest…

Starlink and OneWeb have their first avoidance maneuver with each other's constellations

Two companies, OneWeb and SpaceX, are racing to put fleets of thousands of communication satellites into…