DNA methylation regulator QSER1 identified

A team of researchers from a number of institutions in the U.S. has identified a DNA…

Archeologists unearth an ancient pharaonic city in Egypt

Egyptian archeologists have unearthed a 3000-year-old lost city, complete with mud brick houses, artifacts, and tools…

American, Russians dock at International Space Station

A trio of Russian and American space travelers launched successfully and reached the International Space Station…

Pillar of support: Breakthrough discovery could speed up bone implant recovery

A research team has uncovered a new technique that can speed up recovery from bone replacements.…

Toward a reliable oral treatment for sickle cell disease

For those who have sickle cell disease, there are only a few treatment options, which include…

Childhood diet and exercise creates healthier, less anxious adults

Exercise and a healthy diet in childhood leads to adults with bigger brains and lower levels…

Abrupt ice age climate changes behaved like cascading dominoes

Throughout the last ice age, the climate changed repeatedly and rapidly during so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events, where…

Optically active defects improve carbon nanotubes

The properties of carbon-based nanomaterials can be altered and engineered through the deliberate introduction of certain…

Learning what makes the nucleus tick

Michigan State University’s Witold Nazarewicz has a simple way to describe the complex work he does…

In Peru, a race to vaccinate dogs as two epidemics collide

Reggaeton music, mobile clinics, and mathematical algorithms have all played a role in the implementation of…