Can a 3D printed beetle model simulate the real thing?

When it comes to choosing a partner, humans tend to be attracted by characteristics like personality…

Scientists' findings suggest corals will withstand climate change

Charles Darwin, the British naturalist who championed the theory of evolution, noted that corals form far-reaching…

Solar and wind power could mitigate conflict in northeast Africa

A new study shows that several disagreements between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt around Africa’s largest hydropower…

Dogs act jealously even when they don't see their rival

Past surveys have shown that more than 80% of dog owners report observing jealous behaviors from…

Bacteria help plants grow better

A current study by scientists of the University of Bonn and Southwest University in China sheds…

Novel algorithm reveals birdsong features that may be key for courtship

Researchers have developed a new algorithm capable of identifying features of male zebra finch songs that…

Regional habitat differences identified for threatened piping plovers on Atlantic coast

Piping plovers, charismatic shorebirds that nest and feed on many Atlantic Coast beaches, rely on different…

Religion follows patterns of politicization during COVID-19

Research shows people turn to religion in times of fear and uncertainty—and March 2020 was one…

Modern human brain originated in Africa around 1.7 million years ago

The human brain as we know it today is relatively young. It evolved about 1.7 million…

Green chemistry and biofuel: The mechanism of a key photoenzyme decrypted

The functioning of the enzyme FAP, useful for producing biofuels and for green chemistry, has been…