A combined influence of three oceans on record-breaking rainfall over China in June 2020

The rainfall over the Yangtze River Valley (YRV) in June 2020 broke the existing record from…

Remote sensing map of Canada's first highway to the Arctic completed

Members of the Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration (ACUASI) recently completed a high resolution…

Rare blood clots – what you need to know

We take a look at why these unusual clots happen and when they occur. …

Lunar brightness temperature for calibration of microwave humidity sounders

Calibration and validation (CAL/VAL) is a key technology for quantitative application of space-borne remote sensing data.…

The spintronics technology revolution could be just a hopfion away

A decade ago, the discovery of quasiparticles called magnetic skyrmions provided important new clues into how…

An atmosphere of intrafamily trust tends to prevent problematic internet use

Cyberbullying already accounts for one in four cases of bullying and, according to the latest UNICEF…

How did 500 species of a fish form in a lake? Dramatically different body clocks

Animals are remarkably diverse in their sleep and activity patterns due to foraging strategies, social behavior…

Traditional Amateur Radio Contesting Faces a Demographic Cliff

Frank Howell, K4FMH, followed up his two-part National Contest Journal (NCJ) series, “The Demographics of Contesting,”…

ISS Daily Summary Report – 4/08/2021

Payloads Biolab:  The crew searched and found a missing incubator inspection window.  The window has been…

Mars didn't dry up in one go

The Perseverance rover has just landed on Mars. Meanwhile, its precursor Curiosity continues to explore the…