Research finds that coral predators exert a much larger influence on young coral than expected

You might not think an animal made out of stone would have much to worry about…

NASA's Webb Telescope packs its sunshield for a million mile trip

Engineers working on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have successfully folded and packed its sunshield for…

Field guides: Scientists bolster evidence of new physics in Muon g-2 experiment

Scientists are testing our fundamental understanding of the universe, and there’s much more to discover. …

Study tracks the adoption of green infrastructure, from water conservation to policy

In a new paper published in the Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, the University of…

How can remote workers best manage work-home conflict?

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of remote workers are still struggling to…

For girls, learning science outside linked to better grades, knowledge

A study suggests outdoor education could be a promising tool to help close gender gaps in…

Carbon dioxide levels reflect COVID-19 risk

Tracking carbon dioxide levels indoors is an inexpensive and powerful way to monitor the risk of…

Why our brains miss opportunities to improve through subtraction

If, as the saying goes, less is more, why do we humans overdo so much? …

Scientists discover two new species of ancient, burrowing mammal ancestors

Paleontologists have discovered two new species of mammal-like, burrowing animals that lived about 120 million years…

India reaffirms pledge to 2015 Paris climate change accord

India’s prime minister on Wednesday told U.S. Special Presidential Envoy on Climate John Kerry that New…