Genomic secrets of organisms that thrive in extreme deep-sea

Scientists have decoded the genomes of the deep-sea clam (Archivesica marissinica) and the chemoautotrophic bacteria (Candidatus…

How will climate change affect hailstorms?

Hail severity will increase in most regions of the world while Australia and Europe are expected…

Procedures identify Barrett's esophagus patients at risk for cancer progression

A combination of esophageal brushing and extensive genetic sequencing of the sample collected can detect chromosome…

Scientists discover a new auroral feature on Jupiter

Astronomers have detected new faint aurora features, characterized by ring-like emissions, which expand rapidly over time.…

Pompeii: Ancient remains are helping scientists learn what happens to a body caught in a volcanic eruption

The recent eruptions in Iceland, vividly captured through dramatic drone footage, have drawn public attention to…

Mapping policy for how the EU can reduce its impact on tropical deforestation

EU imports of products including palm oil, soybeans, and beef contribute significantly to deforestation in other…

Supervolcano eruption can change the periodic wind system in the tropical stratosphere

The question of what happens in the atmosphere when a supervolcano erupts, has concerned scientists in…

Nearest Exoplanet to Our Solar System

This artist’s concept is of a Jupiter-mass planet orbiting the nearby star Epsilon Eridani. …

Radioactive molecules may help solve mystery of missing antimatter

Stars, galaxies, and everything in the universe, including our own bodies, are comprised of so-called regular…

Apes constantly reinvent the wheel

Great apes do not pass on their behavior to the next generation. Unlike humans, they do…