Plasmonic tweezers: For nanoscale optical trapping and beyond

Optical tweezers and associated manipulation tools in the far field have had a major impact on…

Tropical species are moving northward as winters warm

Notwithstanding last month’s cold snap in Texas and Louisiana, climate change is leading to warmer winter…

Looking at optical Fano resonances under a new light

In 1961, physicist Ugo Fano provided the first theoretical explanation to an anomalous asymmetry observed in…

Researchers design a biological device capable of computing by printing cells on paper

The Research Group on Synthetic Biology for Biomedical Applications at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain,…

Solving 'barren plateaus' is the key to quantum machine learning

Many machine learning algorithms on quantum computers suffer from the dreaded “barren plateau” of unsolvability, where…

A single-molecule electrical approach for amino acid detection and chirality recognition

Analytical chemistry aims to efficiently discriminate between two amino acids. In a new report in Science…

COVID-19 transmission rare in schools with masking, distancing, contact tracing, study finds

Wearing masks, social distancing and frequent hand-washing have kept in-school COVID-19 transmission low, according to results…

Stroke risk higher than expected among COVID-19 patients

Analysis of data from the American Heart Association’s COVID-19 CVD Registry of more than 20,000 U.S.…

How do humpback whales rest?

An international research collaboration has used an omnidirectional camera attached to humpback whale to reveal how…

Conformational equilibria in GPCRs provides critical clues about activation mechanisms

A multinational research team led by Dr. Adnan Sljoka (RIKEN), Prof. R. Scott Prosser (Univ. of…