Elusive protein complex could hold the key to treating chromosomal disorders

One of the most vital functions performed by the cells in our body is DNA repair,…

Conspiracy theories influence our behavior—even if we do not believe in them

Not least because of the COVID-19 pandemic, conspiracy theories are more topical than ever. They are…

Polarstern expedition investigates massive calved iceberg

Roughly two weeks ago, a massive iceberg calved from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. As the only…

Carbon dioxide electrotransformation into value-added chemicals in ionic liquid-based electrolytes

The use of fossil fuels as energy carriers and raw materials promotes the rapid development of…

Algae growing on dead coral could paint a falsely rosy portrait of reef health

Algae colonizing dead coral are upending scientists’ ability to accurately assess the health of a coral…

Four lichen species new to science discovered in Kenyan cloud forests

Researchers from the University of Helsinki’s Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus and the National Museums…

New bioink brings 3D-printing of human organs closer to reality

Researchers at Lund University have designed a new bioink which allows small human-sized airways to be…

A pocket guide to Mars: Now you can buy an atlas for the Red Planet

A pocket atlas of Mars has been published that uses geographic techniques developed for terrestrial maps…

Solving the ancient problem of nucleic acid synthesis gives clues for the design of new antiviral drugs

An international team of scientists from the University of Turku, Finland and PennState University, U.S. have…

New research explores why some voters are more susceptible to 'demagogue' candidates

Many low-education voters who embrace social welfare programs vote against their own beliefs, new UC Riverside…