20 years of research on the use of virtual reality in education

An analysis published in the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning highlights 20 years of research on…

Subsidies most effective way to encourage sustainable food choices, study shows

Subsidizing low carbon emission meals could encourage more people to choose them, according to new research. …

Artificial light at night may disrupt firefly mating

New research published in Insect Conservation and Diversity indicates that artificial light at night likely interferes…

Iceland shaken by more than 50,000 earthquakes in three weeks

Geologist Helga Torfadottir takes a BBC team to an active volcano area. Click here…

Boosting insect diversity may provide more consistent crop pollination services

Fields and farms with more variety of insect pollinator species provide more stable pollination services to…

Astroscale to showcase space debris removal

The international company will fly a demonstration of the technology it hopes can help clean up…

Study finds evidence of 55 new chemicals in people

Scientists at UC San Francisco have detected 109 chemicals in a study of pregnant women, including…

An Unrivaled View Of Galaxy Messier 106

This spectacular image highlights the majestic spiral galaxy Messier 106 and its diminutive neighbors, as well…

How life on land recovered after 'The Great Dying'

A new study shows in detail how life recovered from ‘The Great Dying’ in comparison to…

Regent honeyeater: Endangered bird 'has forgotten its song'

The natural song of the regent honeyeater has essentially “disappeared” in 12% of the population. …