Message from NASA Acting Administrator Steve Jurczyk and Senior White House Appointee Bhavya Lal

Message from NASA Acting Administrator Steve Jurczyk and Senior White House Appointee Bhavya Lal …

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 20 January 2021

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 20 January 2021 Click here for…

Climate change: Biden's first act sets tone for ambitious approach

Re-joining the Paris climate pact is a symbolic and practical first step for the Biden White…

Dead whale, one of Med's largest, found off Italy

The carcass of a huge whale has been recovered from the waters off southern Italy, the…

Catnip leaves kitties feline groovy, wards off mosquitoes: study

Catnip is known to hold a special place in the hearts of felines, who often respond…

Biden puts U.S. back into fight to slow global warming

President Joe Biden planned Wednesday to return the United States to the worldwide fight to slow…

Hematopoietic stem cell transplants may provide long-term benefit for people with MS

A new study shows that intense immunosuppression followed by a hematopoietic stem cell transplant may prevent…

Brain pressure disorder that causes headache, vision problems on rise

A new study has found a brain pressure disorder called idiopathic intracranial hypertension is on the…

Squid-inspired robot swims with nature's most efficient marine animals

Scientists have developed a flexible underwater robot that can propel itself through water in the same…

Late rainy season reliably predicts drought in regions prone to food insecurity

The onset date of the yearly rainy season reliably predicts if seasonal drought will occur in…