Suppressor genes linked to less cancer and longer lifespan found in whales

A trio of researchers with ICAEV, Universidad Austral de Chile, and the University of Liverpool, respectively,…

New study suggests supermassive black holes could form from dark matter

A new theoretical study has proposed a novel mechanism for the creation of supermassive black holes…

Follow the smell of the ocean to find where marine predators feed

A joint research project between organizations in Japan and the US has demonstrated that zooplankton, a…

Earth's existential threats: Inequality, pandemics and climate change demand global leadership

Asked in 2003, the UK’s astronomer royal, Martin Rees, gave our present society 50/50 odds of…

From melody to language

In the process of developing language, the melody patterns that emerge in infants’ vocalizations are a…

Fight or flight? Why individuals react as they do

Why do some people fight and others flee when confronting violence? “This question has been bothering…

New study suggests campus visits inspire eighth-graders to prepare for college

A new study released by a team of researchers in the Department of Education Reform indicates…

Merging boson stars could explain massive black hole collision and prove existence of dark matter

An international team of scientists led by the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) and…

Groundwater levels fall in central and western Kansas

After three years of small increases, average groundwater levels in central and western Kansas dropped during…

Researchers capture how materials break apart following an extreme shock

Understanding how materials deform and catastrophically fail when impacted by a powerful shock is crucial in…