Watch Video From NASA’s Perseverance Rover Landing on Mars

Since arriving safely on Thursday, the spacecraft has been steadily transmitting visual files and other data…

MDA Announces the Appointment of Vito Culmone as its Chief Financial Officer

MDA is pleased to announce the appointment of Vito Culmone as the company’s new Chief Financial…

Brain seasonality: Bean bug neurons need biological clock gene for seasonal egg-laying

Biological clocks don’t just tick for humans, they’re needed by most animals. Researchers from Japan have…

Unfortunate timing and rate of change may be enough to tip a climate system

Imagine abrupt shifts of the tropical monsoons, reductions in Northern Hemisphere rainfall, and strengthening of North…

Scientists use machine-learning approach to track disease-carrying mosquitoes

You might not like mosquitoes, but they like you, says Utah State University biologist Norah Saarman.…

Researchers grow artificial hairs with clever physics trick

Things just got hairy at Princeton. Click here for original story, Researchers grow artificial…

Traditional hydrologic models may misidentify snow as rain, new citizen science data shows

Normally, we think of the freezing point of water as 32°F—but in the world of weather…

Potential regional declines in species richness of tomato pollinators under climate

About 70% of the world’s main crops depend on insect pollination. Climate change is already affecting…

NASA releases first video of Perseverance rover landing on Mars

The US space agency NASA on Monday released the first video of the landing of the…

Icy landing: runway opens on frozen US lake

Pilots comfortable with an icy landing can now use a runway on a frozen lake in…