Electrophotocatalytic diamination of vicinal C–H bonds

In organic chemistry, the conversion of inactivated carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds to carbon-nitrogen (C-N) bonds is a…

Scientists image a bright meteoroid explosion in Jupiter's atmosphere

From aboard the Juno spacecraft, a Southwest Research Institute-led instrument observing auroras serendipitously spotted a bright…

How two radically different communities coexist beneath the canopies of California's iconic kelp forests

Walk along the beach after a winter storm and you’ll see a shore littered with wracks…

Researcher sheds new light on the psychology of radicalization

Learning more about what motivates people to join violent ideological groups and engage in acts of…

NASA's Swift helps tie neutrino to star-shredding black hole

For only the second time, astronomers have linked an elusive particle called a high-energy neutrino to…

Binary stars are all around us, new map of solar neighborhood shows

The latest star data from the Gaia space observatory has for the first time allowed astronomers…

Focus on the positive to improve classroom behavior

When teachers encounter disruptive or noncompliant students in the classroom, they typically respond by focusing on…

Researchers 'cautiously optimistic' about desert bighorn sheep recovery in Mojave Desert

Desert bighorn sheep in the Mojave National Preserve in California and surrounding areas appear to be…

A novel gene discovery associated with a development disorder of pituitary origin

The pituitary gland is a pea-sized endocrine gland composed of two structurally and functionally separate parts…

'Jumping genes' repeatedly form new genes over evolution

In the same way that Lego pieces can be arranged in new ways to build a…