A powerful, pocket-sized optical imager, no longer science fiction

Before Wilhelm Röntgen, a mechanical engineer, discovered a new type of electromagnetic radiation in 1895, physicians…

Study reveals impact of evictions on people with mental health disorders

All renters facing eviction deal with anxiety and stress at the prospect of losing the roof…

New-found molecular signature keeps key genes ready for action

During development, scores of molecular signals prod cells to take on specialized identities and functions. In…

Unique study of isolated bobcat population confirms accuracy of extinction model

The reintroduction of 32 bobcats to an island off the coast of Georgia more than three…

California Republicans less likely to seek COVID vaccine, poll reports

As California struggles to bring the deadly COVID-19 pandemic under control, the state’s Republican voters are…

Hubble Views a Baby Star’s Tantrums

The two Herbig-Haro objects cataloged as HH46 and HH47, seen in this image taken with the…

Extending maser techniques to Floquet systems

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China and one in Germany has investigated…

Decade-long study shows half of all rivers in the world heavily impacted by humans

A team of researchers from several institutions in France and China has conducted a decade-long study…

Researchers observe stationary Hawking radiation in an analog black hole

Black holes are regions in space where gravity is very strong—so strong that nothing that enters…

Fierce winter storm in US seen tapering off

A fierce and deadly winter storm that wreaked havoc in the southern and central US and…