USRA Scientists Serving on Science Team for NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission and the Perseverance Rover

USRA Scientists Serving on Science Team for NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission and the Perseverance Rover …

Aerosol pollution caused decades of “global dimming”

Aerosol pollution caused decades of “global dimming” Click here for original story, Aerosol pollution…

The distribution of vertebrate animals redefines temperate and cold climate regions

The distribution of vegetation is routinely used to classify climate regions worldwide, yet whether these regions…

STEM skills gap modest among IT help desk workers

Workers with science, technology, engineering and math backgrounds are typically in high demand—but the demand isn’t…

Artificial intelligence may help achieve UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Scientists from the Andalusian Research Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence, or DaSCI (University of…

Spotted lanternfly: Research accelerates in effort to contain invasive pest

When the invasive spotted lanternfly arrived in the United States in 2014, it was immediately recognized…

Deep seabed mining must benefit all humankind

As investors set their sights on the mineral resources of the deep seabed, the International Seabed…

Wolves prefer to feed on the wild side

When there is a choice, wolves in Mongolia prefer to feed on wild animals rather than…

LHC/ATLAS: A unique observation of particle pair creation in photon-photon collisions

Creation of matter in an interaction of two photons belongs to a class of very rare…

Giant predatory worms roamed the seafloor until 5.3 million years ago

An international study in which the University of Granada participated—recently published in the journal Scientific Reports—has…