Deep seabed mining must benefit all humankind

As investors set their sights on the mineral resources of the deep seabed, the International Seabed…

Wolves prefer to feed on the wild side

When there is a choice, wolves in Mongolia prefer to feed on wild animals rather than…

LHC/ATLAS: A unique observation of particle pair creation in photon-photon collisions

Creation of matter in an interaction of two photons belongs to a class of very rare…

Giant predatory worms roamed the seafloor until 5.3 million years ago

An international study in which the University of Granada participated—recently published in the journal Scientific Reports—has…

Amazon's Climate Pledge gains 20 members, including two based in Seattle

IBM and 19 other companies have joined Amazon’s Climate Pledge, committing to neutralize their carbon emissions,…

Smartphone study points to new ways to measure food consumption

A team of researchers has devised a method using smartphones in order to measure food consumption—an…

Climate change concern unaffected by pandemic, study shows

COVID-19 has not made people any less concerned about climate change—despite the pandemic disrupting and dominating…

Unique feeding behavior of Asian kukri snakes gutting frogs and toads

After describing a unique behavior in the Small-banded Kukri Snake (Oligodon fasciolatus) last September, two new…

How location dictates biological clocks of species: Study in beetles offers new insights

One of the most intriguing features in all living beings is the ‘biological clock,’ an internal…

An efficient method for separating O-18 from O-16, essential for use in cancer treatment

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) plays a major role in the early detection of various types of…