Monitoring the body's fat burning by sampling breath

Your breath holds the key to monitoring fat burning, and now a research group from Tohoku…

Bioinspired strategies for the development of new drugs

MedUni Vienna researchers led by Christian Gruber from the Institute of Pharmacology, with international collaborators, have…

Technological ray of hope for the snowboard scene

The first boards for gliding over snow existed as early as 1900, but it was not…

Lockdown critics are sure the costs outweigh the health benefits, but they're wrong

As the UK reports its worst excess deaths since the second world war and the NHS…

To succeed in an AI world, students must learn the human traits of writing

Students across Australia have started the new school year using pencils, pens and keyboards to learn…

Researcher studies impact of 3-D-printed models on student learning

“While Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is essential in the high school curriculum, it…

Sharing images of romantic gifts on social media

Valentine’s Day brings images of flowers, chocolates and gifts in all shapes and sizes from the…

The AI-driven initiative that's hastening the discovery of drugs to treat COVID-19

A novel pipeline of AI and simulation tools may make the process of screening drug candidates…

Genetic markers show Pacific albacore intermingle across equator but remain separate stocks

Analyzing thousands of genetic markers in albacore tuna from the Pacific Ocean, researchers at Oregon State…

Study proves strong link between political bias and social tie formation on Twitter

Twitter users are three times more likely to follow back the accounts of strangers if they…