Scholar to discuss the applications of quantum technology

Northwestern University’s Danna Freedman will share novel insights on quantum chemistry’s ability to unlock access to…

Radiative cooling and solar heating from one system, no electricity needed

A new study describes a new technology that provides both radiative cooling and solar heating, all…

New drug target for Ebola, Marburg viruses

Researchers have identified a previously unknown site on the filovirus glycoprotein to which small drug molecules…

Researchers develop flexible crystal, paving the way for more efficient bendable electronics

A team of researchers led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has developed a new…

Captive-bred juvenile salmon unlikely to become migratory when released into streams

Researchers at the Kobe University Graduate School of Science have revealed that when captive-bred juvenile red-spotted…

Monitoring precious groundwater resources for arid agricultural regions

A framework designed to provide detailed information on agricultural groundwater use in arid regions has been…

Genetic 'cut and paste' to achieve more nutritious and resistant plants

A team of researchers from the Institute of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBMCP), mixed center…

Scientists propose lithium to cope with high-risk condition in future fusion facilities

Perhaps the greatest technological challenge to harvesting on Earth the fusion energy that powers the sun…

The role of midsized phytoplankton in Earth's biological pump

Every spring, phytoplankton blooms flourish across the ocean. The single-celled, photosynthetic organisms pull carbon dioxide from…

Shuffling bubbles reveal how liquid foams evolve

Foams are found everywhere, in soaps and detergents, meringues, beer foam, cosmetics and insulation for clothing…