JAXA Astronaut Activity Report, September 2011

Asian Winter School in the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)

2 Electric Power Subsystems were added to “Development completed component catalog”

AKARI operation completed

[release] AKARI operation completed

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency reported that operation of the infrared astronomical satellite AK

[release] Return of the Soyuz Spacecraft (27S/TMA-02M) with Astronaut Satoshi Furukawa aboard

The Soyuz spacecraft (27S/TMA-02M) has safely returned to Earth with astronaut Satoshi Furukawa aboa

“SDS-4:Small Demonstration Satellite-4”, “Solar Physics Satellite HINODE (revision)” were added

Observation results of flooding in Thailand by Pi-SAR-L (L-band-Polarimetric and interferometry-Synthetic Aperture Radar)

ARD PR brochure “Sora to Sora” No.43

Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) 1st Research Announcement (Algorithm Development)