Venus Rising

This hemispheric view of Venus was created using more than a decade of radar investigations culminating…

Before the Winter

This mosaic of images shows the soil in front of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit after…

The Road Less Traveled

On Jan. 4, 2004, Spirit--the first of two NASA Mars Exploration Rovers--landed on the Red Planet…


This Hubble Space Telescope image of galaxy NGC 1275 reveals the fine, thread-like filamentary structures in…

City Lights Redux

A southerly looking night view of the upper two-thirds of the Florida peninsula was recorded by…

City Lights

This striking photograph features two of China’s most populous cities--Beijing and Tianjin--both located in the northern…

Decorating the Sky

This mosaic image taken by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, features three nebulae that…

Where Stars Are Born

This mosaic image is the sharpest wide-angle view ever obtained of the starburst galaxy, Messier 82…


In this image from Friday, Dec. 17, space shuttle Discovery sat on Launch Pad 39A at…

Moon Shadows

A total lunar eclipse is seen as the full moon is shadowed by the Earth on…