Will Netflix eventually monetize its user data?

Even in the wake of a recent mixed earning report and volatile stock prices, Netflix remains…

Toshiba’s breakthrough algorithm realizes world’s fastest, largest-scale combinatorial optimization

Toshiba Corporation has realized a major breakthrough in combinatorial optimization—the selection of the best solutions from…

Thousands protest China-backed mega-dam in Myanmar

Thousands of people in northern Myanmar took to the streets on Monday to protest against the…

‘You’re unallocated!’ and other BS companies use to obscure reality

Corporate America has invented many ways to avoid letting the public know it's laying people off…

Light-based computer hardware that can compete with silicon

A team of researchers at NTT Corporation has developed a way to use light-based computer hardware…

Slime mold absorbs substances to memorize them

In 2016, CNRS scientists demonstrated that the slime mold Physarum polycephalum, a single-cell organism without a…

Researchers make synthetic polymers inside of living cells

A team of researchers at the University of Edinburgh has demonstrated that it is possible to…

Modified ‘white graphene’ for eco-friendly energy

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), together with colleagues from the United States and Germany, have…

Artificial receptor distinguishes between male and female hormones

Chemists at Tokyo Tech's Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science have designed and developed a capsule-shaped…

Five things to consider before you hire a tutor for your child

Private tutoring is a growing business, with people spending hundreds of billions of dollars. But is…