An overview of how ESA is applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to future space missions
Author: ESA Space Engineering & Technology
Making space smarter
An overview of how ESA is applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to future space missions
The drying of Europe
An at-a-glance comparison of European vegetation from May to July 2018, as seen from ESA's Proba-V…
The drying of Europe
An at-a-glance comparison of European vegetation from May to July 2018, as seen from ESA's Proba-V…
Speck from an asteroid
Technology image of the week: a microscopic grain from the Itokawa asteroid, returned from space by…
Speck from an asteroid
Technology image of the week: a microscopic grain from the Itokawa asteroid, returned from space by…
Model binary asteroids
Technology image of the week: A practical recreation of a binary asteroid system, used for testing…
What’s your idea to 3D print on the Moon – to make it feel like home?
A new ESA-led project is investigating the ways that 3D printing could be used to create…
What’s your idea to 3D print on the Moon – to make it feel like home?
A new ESA-led project is investigating the ways that 3D printing could be used to create…
Teenage Earth observer
Technology image of the week: more than 16 years old and still growing strong, the Proba-1…