Making space smarter

An overview of how ESA is applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to future space missions

Making space smarter

An overview of how ESA is applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to future space missions

The drying of Europe

An at-a-glance comparison of European vegetation from May to July 2018, as seen from ESA's Proba-V…

The drying of Europe

An at-a-glance comparison of European vegetation from May to July 2018, as seen from ESA's Proba-V…

Speck from an asteroid

Technology image of the week: a microscopic grain from the Itokawa asteroid, returned from space by…

Speck from an asteroid

Technology image of the week: a microscopic grain from the Itokawa asteroid, returned from space by…

Model binary asteroids

Technology image of the week: A practical recreation of a binary asteroid system, used for testing…

What’s your idea to 3D print on the Moon – to make it feel like home?

A new ESA-led project is investigating the ways that 3D printing could be used to create…

What’s your idea to 3D print on the Moon – to make it feel like home?

A new ESA-led project is investigating the ways that 3D printing could be used to create…

Teenage Earth observer

Technology image of the week: more than 16 years old and still growing strong, the Proba-1…